Classifying Attributes - Dialog Box

When you are selecting the project to be opened, you can sort the projects in the project archive according to the attributes you choose.

  1. Click the Modify classification button in the Project Open Dialog Box.
  2. Select the sorting attributes in the dialog box.

  3. Select OK.

    The attributes you select are valid next time you start the software.

Dialog Box Options

All attributes
The list displays the names of each field in the project archive database.
Add the sorting attribute:
  1. Select the sorting attribute in the All list.
  2. Add the field to the Used list by clicking the button.
Used attributes
In the list you will see the selected sorting attributes.
Delete the sorting attribute:
  1. Select the sorting attribute in the Used list.
  2. Deactivate the sorting attribute by clicking the button.
Move up / Move down
You can change the priority of the attributes.
  1. Click an attribute in the Used attributes list.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • Click the Move up button.
    • Click the Move down button.