Selecting Fitting Label from the Chart

Use this function to add a fitting label from the fitting list of the fitting symbol. In this case there must be a fitting chart symbol in the drawing with the same device label as the symbol, to which the fitting code is to be added.

  1. After selecting the function click the fitting, that has the same device label as the fitting chart, which fitting list you select the code.
  2. Select an available fitting label from the fitting list.

    The fitting list includes the fitting codes defined on the fitting chart, followed by position references to fittings whose codes have been added from the fitting list. Below the Other fittings text are the fitting codes and position references to symbols that have the same device label as the fitting chart.

The program verifies that the fitting code selected from the fitting list is attached to a fitting of the same type as the fitting to which the code is to be added.

Position references are always visible in the fitting list. Position references are added to the fitting chart with the Add Position References function.


  • You can also select the function from the context-sensitive menu. First select the fitting chart symbol in a drawing and then select the Select Fitting Labels from Chart function.