Verify Distance

Measure the distance between two points in the working window as follows:

  1. Do either of the following:
    • Select Verify Distance from the tool strip.
    • Press Shift+V.
  2. Select the first point.
  3. Select the second point. The program shows the distance between the points in a message box.
  4. Click OK to close the message box.

When you measure a distance in a 2D drawing, the program will show the distance in the following format:

  • Horizontal distance (DX)
  • Vertical distance (DY)
  • Shortest distance (DR)
  • Angle from horizontal (A)

When you measure a distance in a 3D model, the program will show the distance in the following format:

  • X direction distance (DX)
  • Y direction distance (DY)
  • Z direction distance (DZ)
  • Shortest distance (DR)


  • You can also select Drafting | Dimensions | Distance.
  • In imperial dimension unit system, you can change the unit used in verifying distance by clicking the right mouse button on the status bar.