Update Version Changes to Custom Files

Update software version changes to custom fitted files by using the system update function.

The update function starts automatically when you have implemented the customer-specific custom folder from the previous version, and start the program. Select the latest version you have used from the Previous update list. Analysis of the Custom folder takes a while. Finally, you will see a list of the conducted measures.

If necessary, you can also start the function by selecting System | Update Custom.

Note: System tab is only available if you are a system administrator.

The system update function performs the following procedures:

  • Framing tools for the frame layer of floor, roof or ceiling structures to the component library
    In version 2025 (31.0), the framing tools for the frame layers of floor, roof or ceiling structures in the standard environment have been moved to the component library. A dedicated component library has been created for the tools of each type of structure (floor, roof, ceiling, wall). The update function also creates a dedicated component library for the framing tools of customer-specific floor, roof or ceiling structure frame layers. The function retrieves tools from the framing area assembly library (custom/dbases/d_FRMASSY) according to the structure type, and adds them to the customer-specific component libraries:
    • Custom floor structures
    • Custom ceiling structures
    • Custom roof structures
    • Custom wall structures
    • Custom structures - If no structure type is selected for the tool, it will be added to this library.

    The function creates a folder for the libraries in the custom/complibs folder and automatically names the folders with unique names.

    The update function also adds fields to the databases (FRMTOOL_FRAMING) of these libraries for the parameters that can be used to set the default joist hangers for the tool.
    Note: Tool-related detail sets, details, joints and corner details are still in the databases FRM_DETSET, FRM_DETAILS, FRM_JOINTS and FRM_CORDET in the custom/dbases folder. They can be managed by using the functions in the System | Structural Libraries | Floor and Roof Framing menu.

  • Profile libraries to the component library

    In version 2025 (31.0), the profile libraries in the standard environment are moved to the component library. The update function also moves the custome-specific profile libraries (custom/proflibrary) to the component library.

    The function copies the folders of profile libraries to the custom/complibs/_proflibrary folder.

    In addition, the update function adds a DESCRIPTION field if necessary or renames an existing DESCR field to a DESCRIPTION field in the library's PROFDATA database.

  • General/Floor, roof or ceiling sheathing tool library

    The update function adds fields to the customer-specific common sheathing tool library database (FRMTOOL_GEN_SHEET) where the seam offset from the edge of the opening can be entered.

    • BREAK_OFFSET_D - Seam offset for doors.

    • BREAK_OFFSET_W - Seam offset for windows.

  • Cladding tool library

    In version 2025 (31.0), it is possible to use the default frame origin point also for aligning vertical cladding. The update function adds a field to the customer-specific cladding tool library database (FRMTOOL_CLADDING) that can be used to specify an offset for the starting point from the default frame origin point.

    • OFFSET - Offset.

  • Stack parameter set library
    Stack parameter sets are used in 3D panel stacking. The update function add fields to the database (STACK) of the customer-specific stack parameter set library:
    • ALIGNMODE - The positioning of the panel group in the stack box. The value is selected by default in the Alignment field when you select stack properties.
      • LEFT - Left
      • MIDDLE - Middle
      • CENTER - Center
      • RIGHT - Right
    • WEIGHTBASED - Stack based on weight. The property is selected by default when the field has a value of 1.
    • WEIGHTLIMIT - Weight limit. If Stack based on weight is selected, the Weight limit also determines how many panels can fit in the stack.
  • IFC export settings

    The update function updates the DESCRIPTION_SRC field in the customer-specific IFC export settings library database (IFC_EXPORT). After that, renaming the settings will work.

  • Framing detail sets and joints for floors

    The function updates the customer-specific framing detail set database (custom/dbases/d_FRMDETSET) and joint database (custom/dbases/d_FRM_JOINTS) for floors to support automatic joist hangers.

  • Framing detail files

    The function updates the framing detail files in the custom/details folder to support automatic blocking. The function makes backups of the original files with -BAK extension.

Note: If the format files connected to the databases are customer-fitted, you must also add the new fields to them, or you can start using the format files in the system folder (system/forms). The files in the system folder will be used when you rename the files in the custom/forms folder.