New Drawing-model Pair
Create a new drawing-model pair for a floor to be added to the building, for example. After you have added the new drawing-model pair, it opens and activates.
Add a new drawing-model pair to an open building as follows:
- Open the building's document browser.
- Open
Settings >
Drawing-model pairs settings.
- Double-click
Create new drawing-model pair.
- Enter the drawing-model pair data.
- 2D drawing
- Select the drawing file for the drawing-model pair from the list, for example 4walls.vxp, or type the name of the drawing file in the text field.
- 3D Model File
- Select either MODEL.vxm for architectural design or FRAMING.vxm for structural design from the list as the model file for the drawing-model pair.
- Description
- Type a description for the drawing-model pair in the text field. When the drawing-model pair is opened, this description will be displayed on the title bar of the working window.
- Parameter sets
- The building parameters determine, for example, the heights and default structures of different structural components. The available parameter sets depend on the building template the building was based on. Parameter sets for foundations, different floors and the roof are usually available. The parameter sets are determined by the PARAMETERS file in the building folder. If parameters suitable for the new floor do not exist in the PARAMETERS file, add a parameter set for the new floor into the file. Alternatively, you can copy the PARAMETERS file from the building folder of a suitable template building or an existing building, for example.
- Properties
- Edit the drawing-model pair properties by clicking Edit. You can also edit the properties later by using the function Edit the Drawing-model Pair Properties.
- Type and sub type
- Select the type and sub type for the drawing-model pair. This information is used when copying objects and managing the materials of sub models.
- Copying objects - When you copy objects from one floor to another, or from one building to another via the clipboard, the program tries to position the objects in the correct drawing-model pairs.
- Managing materials - The materials of the objects in the sub model’s drawing-model pair are collected on the right floor in the main model. For example, you can add the sub model’s drawing-model pair “1st floor walls” to the main model’s drawing-model pair “2nd floor walls”. When you collect the materials, the walls of the sub model are marked as belonging to the second floor.
- Plan type
- This information is used when copying objects and managing the materials of sub models in the same way as the Type and sub type properties.