Editing the Direction of Sunlight
Edit the direction of sunlight in a model as follows:
- Select Rendering | Lights |
Modify. The Edit Lights dialog box opens.
- Select the Distant Light row from the list.
- Click the Edit Library button. The Distant Light dialog box opens.
- Define the position and direction of distant light by moving the Rotation and Height sliders.
- Rotation is the direction of the incident sunlight. It can be adjusted 0 to 360 degrees around the model. If the value is 0, the direction of incidence is left. Larger values rotate the direction of incidence counter-clockwise.
- Height is the height angle of the light (sun) (-90) 0 -90. When the Height = 0, the sun is at the horizon line. When the Height = 90, the sun is straight above. In Finland (Helsinki), the highest point the sun shines from is about 53.5 degrees at the summer solstice. In practice, lower altitude angles are more useful for rendering.
- Rotation is the direction of the incident sunlight. It can be adjusted 0 to 360 degrees around the model. If the value is 0, the direction of incidence is left. Larger values rotate the direction of incidence counter-clockwise.
- Confirm and close the dialog boxes by clicking OK.
- You can create a distant light fixed in the viewing direction by adding a new light to the library. The incidence angle of a distant light fixed in the viewing direction does not need to be edited when the viewing direction is changed.