Saving Data in the Generic Attribute Database
You can type the data in the fields of generic attribute database. The type of the attribute database is 758. In the generic attribute database, you can save any data for the different purposes.
For example:
- In the Vertex-> DWG export, generic attributes of the symbol will be exported as attributes of DWG blocks.
- In the DWG->Vertex export, the attributes of the DWG block will be exported as generic attributes.
Do as follows:
- Select a single line, connection line, connection point (IO point), symbol, hatch, text, dimension or label.
- Depending on the selected element, select either of the followings:
- Select the context-sensitive function
Common Attributes.
- Select the context-sensitive function IO Point Common Attributes.
- Select the context-sensitive function
- Fill in the data and accept.