Defines the type, name, saving location and item data for a new document.
The dialog box is opened with regard to the following archive functions.
Dialog Box Options
- Document type
- Defines the type of the new document. Select , or .
- The document type will determine the functions available in the context-sensitive menu or in the toolbar in the working window: the menu will contain functions for part modeling, assembly modeling, or drafting.
- You can define a specific document type, either Part, Assembly or Drawing, as default in the dialog box. Add the keyword set.new_doc.type= value; 1=Part, 2= Assembly or 3=Drawing in the setup file user/Setup.
- Label
- Defines the label of a document to be saved in the archives, and the label of a document to be added as a file.
- If you select or , name the document without an extension (vxp or xvm).
Name a Document
- By clicking the button you can name the document automatically. If you enter the start of the name and an asterisk
, the highest document number already in use will be displayed in the field. The automatic numbering requires taking an accessory into use.
Automatic Numbering of a Document
- You can just select a type of a document and leave the Label field cleared. In the assembly tree of working window as a label of a new document is displayed the selected document type, Part or Assembly. Later you can save a document to the document archive by selecting the function, or just close the window without saving a document.
- Flow document
- This is a property of the Flow link.
- To Project
- If you wish to save the document in a project, select . will then also be selected.
- Open an existing project by clicking the button, or create a new project by clicking the button.
Activate an Old Project
Create a New Project
- If the document does not belong to any project, unselect .
- Flow connection
- This is a property of the Flow link.
- Add to Archive
- Defines the archive as the document's saving location.
- Click the button and enter the archives data for the document. This function is available when you are creating a document in the archive.
- In the Archives Data dialog box, you can enter, for example, the document name, designer, creation date and the document type (part/assembly). The data can be edited and complemented later.
- Click the button, and fill in the item data, when you create a new item to match the part or an assembly you intend to model. This function is available when you are creating a document in the archive and the own item data specification is in use.
- Add to file
- Defines the saving folder for a file, model file (. vxm) or drawing file (. vxp), which you can select from the folder structure by pressing the button.
- If you do not select the folder, the file is saved in the general document folder Shared/picts.
- Local
- Select the checkbox when modeling a local part. From the part's geometry is not a link to the original geometry, like the part which is not local. This function is available when you are modeling a new part in an assembly.
- Location
- Shows the document's directory path in the directory tree, in accordance with the data you specified for the document.