Add a Coincidence Constraint
- Two line segments are coincident when they are on the same line.
- Two points are coincident when their position is the same.
- A line segment and a point are coincident when the point is on the line.
- An arc and a point are coincident when the point is on the arc or on its imaginary extension.
- If you add a
Two-point Line so that you point the start and/or end point from another line or the end point of another line, a coincidence constraint is created automatically between the end point of the line that you add and the clicked line. Similarly, a coincidence constraint is created between the end point of the line and the center of an arc or circle.
- Coincidence constraint is also automatically created when you add a
Polyline if you click its points from other lines or their end points.
- Coincidence constraint is also automatically created when you add a
Rectangle between the first corner point and line of the rectangle.
- Coincidence constraint is also automatically created when you add a
Add a coincidence constraint in a plane sketch
- Select the function Sketch | Constraints |
- Select the first line or point.
- This line or point remains in place unless the other line or point is locked in place with constraints.
- Select the second line or point.
- This line or point will move so that it is coincident with the first line or point.
- If a line or point is locked in place, the first line or point moves.
- Repeat steps 2 to 3 to add new coincidence constraint
- Stop adding coincidence constraints
- Select another function or
- press the V key or
- press the Esc key or
- click the middle mouse button.