Edit the Contents of a Vertex Database
- You can use this function to browse a Vertex G4 database and edit the contents of its fields.
- Editing requires that you know the name of the format file of the database.
Please note that the databases used in archiving (d_PROREG, d_PICREG, d_MODREG) are processed only with archive processing functions (See Managing the Document Archive)
- The rows of these databases are always associated with files that are saved and deleted only by archiving functions.
Note that most other databases are processed with the functions in the menu that opens with System | Databases |
Edit Database Contents
- Select System | Databases |
Maintenance >
- The program opens a list of databases (in ../vxg4*/shared/dbases folder).
- The database can also be in the following folders:
- Active project ../shared/projects/[projid].
- ../custom/dbases
- user's working folder ../user
- Select the database you want to edit, and click Open.
- Select a form file, and click Open.
- By default, the format files are located in the ../vxg4*/system/forms folder.
- The customer-edited format files are located in the ../vxg4*/custom/forms folder.
- If the format file does not exist, it is always created anew for the file name defform.tmp based on the database fields.
- Browse the database:
- Using the scroll bar on the right-hand side or
- Using the Up and Down arrow keys.
- Edit the contents of the database.
- Save the changes by clicking the OK button.