Create a Bill of Materials of a Designed Drawing

Data from an archived drawing is collected to a bill of materials. Designed drawing is created using 2D drawing functions. Bill of materials of a model drawing differs from this guide.

Perform the following operations for creating a parts list:

  1. Drawing data - Define the archives data for a drawing, including the drawing number and description at least. Archives data are updated on the header of a drawing sheet.
  2. Part numbering - Add part numbers to a drawing. Part numbers are associated with elements of a drawing: line, text, hatch or macro.
  3. Part data - Define the attribute data for the drawing elements. Material data is defined in the part data.
  4. Drawing sheet - A drawing sheet must be added to a drawing in order to bill of materials can be printed out. It is added as a symbol to the drawing.
  5. Creating a bill of materials - Finally, select the Collect parts list function and output to drawing. The drawing data is collected to the header area of the sheet and the bill of materials.