Add Part Numbers in the Model
- With the function, it is possible to add part numbers in the model, when previously (versions < 28.0.XX) part numbering had to be done always in the model drawing.
- You can start numbering the parts from the number you want and define the so-called number increment interval, which can also be negative, i.e. the next part to be numbered automatically gets a smaller number.
- The numbered parts are highlighted either with a color that is visible both on the list and in the model, or the numbered part is hidden from the model.
- If the part to be selected from the model belongs to a subassembly in the main assembly or its subassembly, then the subassembly below the main assembly will be selected.
- The exception to this are parts that belong to a subassembly whose properties have the option
Explode To Part List selected. They are numbered like the parts of the main assembly.
- The exception to this are parts that belong to a subassembly whose properties have the option
- If you select a part or subassembly of the model that already has a number, the program activates a line from the list where you can enter a new number if necessary.
Note that the program does not prevent you from adding the same number to different parts if you enter the number in the list yourself.
- You can also still add part numbers in the drawing of the model: Part Number into Model Drawing
Add Part Numbers in the Model
- Select the function Assembly | Tools | Part Number.
- The program opens the dialog box Part numbering.
- Add Part Numbers in the Model Dialog Box
- Enter the first part number.
- Enter or confirm the increase interval of numbers.
- The default is 1.
- Choose how you want to visualize the numbered parts
Color numbered elements.
Hide numbered elements.
- Select the part or subassembly to be numbered from the model
- The program adds its part number to the list.
- The program marks the numbered parts in the assembly visually with colors.
You can also select a part or subassembly from the list and enter a part number for it.
An alternative to part selecting is to select the function Add numbers automatically.
- Continue until all parts are numbered.