Move an Opening
If an opening has not been fixed to its position with a geometric constraint, you can move it
on the same wall, or from one wall to another, by using the context-sensitive menu function
Move. In the
drawing, you can additionally move an opening by moving it from the grip point.
Move From the Grip Point
- Select the opening or its label.
The program adds three square grip points to the opening: one at the center of the opening and two at the edges. You can move the opening by selecting one of these grip points.
- Click one of the grip points.
The locating point is now at the grip point. You can slide the opening along the wall by moving the mouse.
- If necessary, change the wall using the auxiliary function
Select wall.
- If necessary, you can also use the other auxiliary functions before selecting the location.
- Specify a new location for the opening.
Move With the Context-Sensitive Menu Function
- Select the opening to be moved.
- Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
- Select
- If necessary, change the wall using the auxiliary function
Select wall.
- If necessary, you can also use the other auxiliary functions before selecting the location.
- Specify a new location for the opening.
- You can only move an opening fixed to its position with a dimension constraint by editing the constraint.