Create a New Library

Create a new component library in the dialog box.

  1. Open a component library for editing.

    Open a Component Library for Editing

  2. Move the cursor to the library list box.
  3. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  4. Select Create New Library.

  5. Enter a name for the library in the text box. The program creates a folder with the same name in the custom/complibs folder (wall library folder in the custom/complibs/walls folder).
    Note: In addition to letters and numbers, only one special character is allowed in the name of a library: underscore (_). Do not use spaces. The program checks the component library name structure and, if necessary, gives the user an error message.
  6. Confirm by clicking OK. The Component Library dialog box opens.
  7. Define the library data in the dialog box.
    • If you wish to disable the library, clear the Active checkbox. After this, users can no longer add components from this library to a building model.
    • If you wish to enable the library, select the Active checkbox.
    • Enter a description text for the library in the Description field. The description text will be displayed in the library list.
    • The order of the libraries in the list is determined by the Priority field. Enter the desired value in the field.
  8. Confirm by clicking OK.

Add the first component to the new library by copying a component from an existing library.