Edit the Properties of a Component

You can edit the properties of components in customer-specific libraries.

You can also change the values ​​of individual parameters for some system library components. The configuration data is stored in the custom folder in an xml file. The library and the component will then be marked [Configured].

  1. Open the library browser by selecting System | Libraries | Libraries.
  2. Select a library. The library components appear in the right side browser pane.
  3. Select a component.
  4. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  5. Select Properties.
  6. Edit the properties in a database view or in a dialog box.
Note: You can view and edit the components of some customer-specific libraries all at once. Select the library and Edit Library Content from the right-click menu. All the components in the library open for editing in a database view. See Edit Library Contents.