Import Model with Drawings

You can import a model (.vxm) modeled with the modeler. The models may have been modeled with Vertex G4 or BD application. The function extracts a file that has been compressed using Vertex G4 function > Export Save As Compressed File.

If the archive already contains a model or drawing with the same name, the program will confirm whether the new files are copied over the old files.

You cannot rename the model or its drawing. If the system does not already have a project to which the model or drawing can be saved, one will be created for them.

  1. Select > Open File.
  2. Select the folder to open the file.
  3. Select Vertex Transfer file (VXZ) or ZIP files as the file type.
  4. Select the file and click Open.
  5. Do either of the following:
    • The files are imported if files with the same name do not already exist in the system. The program notifies you when the import is finished. Click the OK button.
    • If the VXZ file contains files with the same name that already exist in Vertex, select the imported files using the functions in the dialog box.

      Selecting Imported Files

      Do not remove the drawing of the model from the archive by selecting a pair of symbols . Instead of remove, you can replace the drawing with a new one or keep the drawing.

  • You can also import a VXZ file into Vertex by using the Drag and Drop method.