
You can add and edit walls with the wall functions. Add the walls of each floor (foundations, first floor walls, second floor walls, etc.) to their own drawing-model pairs. You can edit the walls either in the drawing or model of a drawing-model pair: changes made to the model are updated in the drawing and vice versa.

Exterior and interior walls with predefined parameters have been saved in the wall library. The parameters have been defined for each wall layer separately. When you are adding a wall, you can edit any of the parameters you wish. The parameters of a log wall, foundation wall or space divider wall have not been set separately for each layer, but you select the parameters for the entire wall structure.

  • Before adding a wall, you can create a grid for the drawing or model, allowing you to easily select wall points by snapping to grid points. You can snap to grid points by using the angle bracket keys (< and >), or by selecting the automatic snap to grid points in use. See General Drawing and Modeling Properties.
  • The grid will not be displayed in printouts of the building. If you are using the Vertex BD Architectural or Pro product, you can add a grid that will also be visible in the printouts. See Grids.
  • You can edit the parameters of a wall added earlier as follows:
    1. Select a wall.
    2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
    3. Select Properties.
  • The floor base height and the default wall parameters for different floors are defined in the building parameters. See Parameters of Different Floors.
  • As the system administrator, you can edit and create new wall libraries. See Edit the Wall Library.