Data Transferred From a Model to an IFC File

IFC Converter

In addition to the geometry, data of object IDs, properties and the building location will be transferred from a model to an IFC file.

Object’s IFC GUID

Building model objects have a unique identifier GUID, which remains the same for the duration of the object's existence. Every time a building model is saved, the program ensures that all objects have an identifier. The identifier is also verified when the building model is exported to an IFC file. The so-called compressed IFC GUID is exported to the IFC file. Based on this ID, you can search for an object when you open the IFC file with a viewer.

GUID and Author Data

Object types to be transferred

You can export the following object types from a building model to an IFC file.
  • Walls
  • Roofs
  • Floors
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Profiles - The standard shapes such as rectangular, I, C, U, RHS and CHS profiles are written with their specific formats to the IFC file.
  • Railings
  • Components
  • Trusses
  • Panels - Also panels without parts.
  • CLT sheets
  • Sub models - A sub model is extracted to the IFC model into parts similar to the building components of the active building.
  • Grids
  • Zones and spaces

Object type and material

The type of the objects will be written to the IFC file. The type is the same as the Vertex component type that is used when materials are collected to the components.xml file. Material data is also written, if available. Material data will be written for profiles, sheets and material layers, for example.

Property sets

Property data of objects will be written to the IFC file.

You can select IFC-property sets for objects. In an IFC property set, you can define property data that you want to transfer to an IFC file with the object. There are different types of IFC property set: IFC standard common property sets, Vertex property sets and User-defined property sets.

You can select the property sets to be transferred when converting a model to an IFC file.

IFC Property Sets

Floor of panels

Information about the floor of the building to which the wall, floor, roof, beam and gable eave panels as well as trusses belong will be written to the IFC file.

Location Data

The building coordinates, height and north direction are written to the IFC file, if they have been defined.

Building Coordinates and Heights

Common Properties

You can add common properties to building components that will be exported to an IFC file.

Common Properties to an IFC File