Log Wall Limit Heights
You can define the parts of a log wall that are visible in a floor plan by setting the log wall section plane, lower limit and upper limit in a dialog box.
- Open the building's document browser.
- Open
Settings >
Log house settings.
- Double-click
Log wall limit heights.
- Set the log wall section plane, lower limit and upper limit in a dialog box:
- Lower limit
- The height above which parts of the log wall are displayed in the floor plan. Type the height in the text field.
- Section level
- The section plane of the log wall. Type the height in the text field.
- Upper limit
- The height below which parts of the log wall are displayed in the floor plan. Type the height in the text field.
- Update 2D geometry of walls
- Select this check box when you want to update the geometry of the log walls in the floor plan.
- The heights are defined in relation to the floor base height.
- The wall parts determined by the limit heights are drawn in different ways on the floor plan. Drawing layer, pen width, line type, line spacing and color have been defined for the lines of each part in the system settings with the following line names:
Name Explanation LOGWALL.UPPER The lines of the wall part between the upper limit and the section plane LOGWALL.SECT The lines of the wall part on the section plane LOGWALL.LOWER The lines of the wall part between the lower limit and the section plane The wall parts on the section plane are also marked with a hatch fill. The hatch type, drawing layer, pen width, hatch spacing, angle and color are defined in the system settings with the hatch name LOGWALL.SECTFILL.
- The default values for the limit heights Lower limit, Upper limit and Section plane are defined in the LOGHOUSE setup file under the keyword view_height.
view_height= HEIGHT1 HEIGHT2 HEIGHT3
HEIGHT1 = Lower limit
HEIGHT2 = Section plane
HEIGHT3 = Upper limit
- The LOGHOUSE setup file also allows you to define limit heights for reflected walls, for example first floor walls reflected onto the second floor of a building. Define limit heights for a reflected log wall using the keyword
view_height_refl= HEIGHT1 HEIGHT2 HEIGHT3
HEIGHT1, etc. as with the keyword view_height.
The walls are usually reflected using the general element function Reflecting Geometry to Another Floor.