Excel to Vertex Transfer
Excel sheet or part of it can be transferred to Vertex database using for example CSV format which is written by Excel and read by Vertex parametric program. Customers may have this kind of method in use.
Compatible method is transfer using Excel document named xlstovx.xls1. Transfer can be made by opening Excel document forms/xlstovx1.xls in the Vertex folder. This document includes necessary Visual Basic applications. New toolbar with button named: To Vertex Database is opened to Excel. Transfer is started by pressing this button.
The xlstovx1.xls file used for the Excel transfer lists first the table structure with which transferring to Vertex. After acknowledgement if no lines are selected for a transfer, the user will prompted whether all lines will be transferred. All columns will be transferred from all or selected lines.
Transfer assumes that field formats for Vertex database are defined at the second row of the
Excel sheet. There can also be default path to the database at the first cell of the first row
Vertex to Excel Transfer
Transfer function asks confirmation for the path of the database and starts Vertex application if confirmation accepted. Vertex application checks validity of the field definitions and ask confirmation to write to the database. If database exists, application asks if database is replaced with the new one. If not, application asks if new rows are added to old database.
When transfer is done, Excel notifies user.
After transfer button is pressed information dialog is opened where is specified how the field type definitions of the Vertex database should be done. Most simple situation is when Vertex database already exists: This database is first exported to Excel when field type definitions are included in the second row of the Excel sheet. Sheet can now be edited or completed and then transferred back to Vertex. Or field type definitions can be copied to other Excel sheet.
Error situations
Transfer function uses temporary file: C:/TEMP/exceltovertex.txt , this file is red and interpreted by Vertex.
Possible cause of errors are, for example:
- C: There is no TEMP folder or writing permission to it in the C drive.
- Vertex is not running.
- Wrong Vertex program is selected if there are several Vertex programs running.
- Wrong Vertex program is selected if there are several Vertex programs running.
- File sysprogs/exceltovertex is missing from the Vertex environment.