Define general settings of the PDF creation. These setting apply to all PDF files. Define the
data in the dialog box.
General PDF Settings
Page 1
- PDF converter
- PDF conversion can be made with Distiller or
Ghostscript program. As a converter can also be used Distiller
installed as server, Distiller Server.
- If you select the option Use Ghostscript if Layers profile is not
given, Ghostscript is used as converter, although some other PDF converter
is selected in this dialog box. Layers profile can be defined in the PDF profile.
PDF Profile Dialog Box
- Acrobat Distiller is commercial program from Adobe Systems Incorporated. Copyrights of
Ghostscript program owns Aladdin Enterprises. Ghostscript is available in three versions:
Aladdin Ghostscript, Artifex Ghostscript and GNU Ghostscript. Aladdin Ghostscript is a
free program to end user which is available on terms of Aladdin Free Public License.
Artifex Ghostscript is a commercial program. GNU Ghostscript is free program which is
available on terms of GNU General Public License. Information of these three versions and
their license terms can be found
- Ghostscript settings
- Enter an absolute path to the command line version of the Ghostscript program in the
field. Default value is path to the Ghostscript program which is included to Vertex:
- If you use, for example, version Aladdin Ghostscript 6.0 which is installed to default
folder, Path to exe is set as: C:/Aladdin/gs6.0/bin/gswin32c.exe.
VERTEX uses command line version of
the Ghostscript program gswin32c.exe, NOT window version gswin32.exe.
- Distiller server settings
- Polling time defines how often Vertex checks whether the PDF
conversion is created. Max wait time defines how long Vertex wait
for PDF conversion to complete. If conversion is not completed during this time, PDF file
is not copied to the target folder.
- Delete PS files from OUT folder and Delete PDF files
from OUT folder. These function are used to select if PS and PDF files are
deleted from OUT folder of Distiller after conversion is completed and PDF file is copied
to its destination folder (Distiller moves PS file from IN folder to OUT folder after file
is converted). Files are removed only, if the conversion has failed and PDF file has been
copied to the target folder.
- IN folder and OUT folder are input and
output folders for Distiller. Folders can be locals (for example c:/distiller/in/ ) or in
network (for example //KONEC/D/pdfjobs/in/).
- Links / Postcript files to include
- In the fields EXT1, EXT2,
EXT3 and EXT4 can be defined named
destinations to the internet sites, to the local documents (for example Word, Excel or
HTML) or to the PostScript files. In a PDF profiles dialog box these links are referred to
with field names EXT1, EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4. Named destinations are useful in a PDF batch
process application. Changes that are made to these fields affects to all PDF files which
are created based on the saved selection files in which named destinations (EXT1, EXT2,
EXT3 and EXT4) are used. For more information, see PDF profiles dialog box. Batch process
application is not included in this Vertex version.
- Link to the internet site is: Link has to be complete, i.e.
there must be http protocol identifier. . This way link is interpreted as a link to the
internet site.
- Link to the PostScript file which is to be attached to the PDF file has a form:
- File name extension must be .ps This way link is interpreted as a link to the PostScript
file to be attached to the PDF file. If the beginning of the link is not http: and the end
is not .ps , the link is misinterpreted as a link to the local document. Link can be
absolute c:/word/notice.doc or relative to the PDF file ../pricelist.xls. Clicking a link
to the local document opens document to the program to which file name extension is
associated to.
Page 2
- Pen settings
- Color and width for ten pens can be defined to pen settings. Appearance of the lines in
a PDF files is based on the settings in a PDF setting dialog box, PDF profiles dialog box
and settings in a file setup/DRAFT.PEN. In PDF profiles dialog box you can select pen set
to be used and if colors and/or widths are used which are defined in pen setting. Define
pen sets in file setup/DRAFT.PEN.
- Pen sets to be used are defined in file setup/DRAFT.PEN. Pen set definition format
!Pen set 5 : PDF
Pen LevelRng WidthRng ColorRng Pen set
plot_pen= 2 0,255 0.00,0.13 0,255 5plot_pen= 3 0,255 0.14,0.18 0,255
5plot_pen= 4 0,255 0.19,00.25 0,255 5plot_pen= 5 0,255 0.26,00.35
0,255 5plot_pen= 6 0,255 0.36,00.50 0,255 5plot_pen= 7 0,255
0.51,00.70 0,255 5plot_pen= 8 0,255 0.710.10.00 0,255 5plot_pen= 9
0,255 0,255 5plot_pen= 10 0,255 1.41,2.00 0,255 5
- Pen number which is used when element is in level LevelRng, width of the line is in
WidthRng and color of the element is in ColorRng is defined in a Pen column. Pen number 0
is not printed.
- Level range is defined in a LevelRng column.
- Width range [mm] is defined in a WidthRng column. Resolution is 0.01 mm.
- Level range is defined in a LevelRng column. Default color of the element is default
color 0. Visible color of the default color is based on the width of the line. See Select
drafting color and Select drafting pen width. Select drafting color and Select drafting
pen width
- Number of the pen set is defined in a Pen set column.
Restart Vertex after you have made
changes to the setup file.
- Document info
- You can add additional information to the PDF document. This Document Info can be opened
in a Acrobat Reader from menu File> Document Properties> Description.
- Values for Document Info can be given to Title, Subject, Author and Keywords fields in
the PDF settings dialog box. Title will be project id if keyword PROJ_ID is given to the
Title filed.
- Batch Processing Directory
- Directory Path