Copying in Matrix

With this function, desired number of copies of the selected element group are added to the drawing in a matrix formation. The original element group forms one corner of the matrix. This function can be selected after selecting the elements to be copied and clicking the reference point.

The direction of the first row of the matrix is defined by clicking the location of the first copy, which also defines the distance between the copies on the row (the distance between the columns of the matrix). The number of copies is typed from the keyboard in a text box. After this, the location of the next row, which also defines the distance between the rows of the matrix, is clicked. The total number of rows is typed from the keyboard in a text box.

The matrix can be defined in a similar way with the columns, that is, by clicking the location of the first column and after that, the location of the next column.

  1. Click the location of the first copy on the first row/column.
  2. Enter the number of copies on the first row/column.
  3. Click the location of the next row/column.
  4. Enter the total number of rows/columns of the matrix.