
SHADER TYPE: Dielectric

Dielectric is a reflectivity type that defines the material as one resembling glass. It is especially suitable for materials with both reflectivity and transparency properties.

Parameter: Explanation: Default value: Possible values and comments:
Ambient Factor Ambient reflection factor 0  
Diffuse Factor Diffuse reflection factor 0  
Specular Factor Specular factor 0.9  
Transmission Factor Factor of light continuing in the same direction 0.9  
Mirror Factor Proportion of light mirrored in the specular direction 0.9  
Roughness Proportional roughness factor of the surface 0.1 The smaller the factor, the sharper the reflection. High values like 10 make the surface less mirror-like
Refraction Common refraction index for all wavelengths of light 1.59144 the default value is for glass

An example with its default values:

Object Colour: (0,0,170)

Reflectivity: Matte 1 1

Background: Clouds 10 (120,190,255) (200,255,255) 3

Ambient Light: 0.55 (255,250,245) TRUE

Distant Light: 0.65 (255,255,255) (19610,-6767,17933) (0,0,0) TRUE 2048 9 1 (255,255,255) TRUE

Ambient Factor: 0

Diffuse Factor: 0

Specular Factor: 0.9

Transmission Factor: 0.9

Mirror Factor: 0.9

Roughness: 0.1

Refraction: 1.59144

Ambient Factor: 0.9

Diffuse Factor: 0

Specular Factor: 0.9

Transmission Factor: 0.9

Mirror Factor: 0.9

Roughness: 0.1

Refraction: 1.59144

Ambient Factor: 0.9

Diffuse Factor: 0.9

Specular Factor: 0.9

Transmission Factor: 0.9

Mirror Factor: 0.9

Roughness: 0.1

Refraction: 1.59144

Ambient Factor: 0.9

Diffuse Factor: 0.9

Specular Factor: 1.1

Transmission Factor: 0.9

Mirror Factor: 0.9

Roughness: 0.1

Refraction: 1.59144

Ambient Factor: 0.9

Diffuse Factor: 0.9

Specular Factor: 1.1

Transmission Factor: 0.7

Mirror Factor: 0.9

Roughness: 0.1

Refraction: 1.59144

Ambient Factor: 0.9

Diffuse Factor: 0.9

Specular Factor: 1.1

Transmission Factor: 0.7

Mirror Factor: 0.7

Roughness: 0.1

Refraction: 1.59144

Ambient Factor: 0.9

Diffuse Factor: 0.9

Specular Factor: 1.1

Transmission Factor: 0.7

Mirror Factor: 0.7

Roughness: 10

Refraction: 1.59144

Ambient Factor: 0.9

Diffuse Factor: 0.9

Specular Factor: 1.1

Transmission Factor: 0.9

Mirror Factor: 0.9

Roughness: 10

Refraction: 1.59144


Colour: Plain

Colour (250,250,250)

Reflectivity: Dielectric

Ambient Factor: 1

Diffuse Factor: 0.9

Specular Factor: 0.9

Transmission Factor: 0.9

Mirror Factor: 0.9

Roughness: 3

Refraction: 1.59144