
SHADER TYPE: Environment

Environment is a reflectivity type that takes into account the effects of the environment. It is especially suitable for reflective materials such as shiny metals.

Parameter Explanation Default value Possible values and comments
Ambient Factor Ambient reflection factor 1
Diffuse Factor Diffuse reflection factor 0.5
Specular Factor Specular factor 0.5
Environment Factor Factor of light continuing in the same direction 0.3
Roughness Proportional roughness factor of the surface 0.1 The larger the factor, the sharper the reflection. High values like 10 make the surface more mirror-like.
Angle Scale 1

Ambient Factor: 1

Diffuse Factor: 0.5

Specular Factor: 0.5

Environment Factor: 0.3

Roughness: 0.1

Angle Scale: 1

Ambient Factor: 1.2

Diffuse Factor: 0.5

Specular Factor: 0.5

Environment Factor: 0.3

Roughness: 0.1

Angle Scale: 1

Ambient Factor: 1.2

Diffuse Factor: 1

Specular Factor: 0.5

Environment Factor: 0.3

Roughness: 0.1

Angle Scale: 1

Ambient Factor: 1.2

Diffuse Factor: 1

Specular Factor: 0.8

Environment Factor: 0.3

Roughness: 0.1

Angle Scale: 1

Ambient Factor: 1.2

Diffuse Factor: 1

Specular Factor: 0.8

Environment Factor: 0.6

Roughness: 0.1

Angle Scale: 1

Ambient Factor: 1.2

Diffuse Factor: 1

Specular Factor: 0.8

Environment Factor: 0.6

Roughness: 7

Angle Scale: 1

Ambient Factor: 1.2

Diffuse Factor: 1

Specular Factor: 0.8

Environment Factor: 0.6

Roughness: 7

Angle Scale: 0

Ambient Factor: 1.2

Diffuse Factor: 1

Specular Factor: 0.8

Environment Factor: 0.6

Roughness: 7

Angle Scale: 2

Color: Plain

Color (150,150,150)

Reflectivity: Environment

Ambient Factor: 1

Diffuse Factor: 1

Specular Factor: 0.5

Environment Factor: 0.3

Roughness: 10

Angle Scale: 1