Field Titles for Excel Transfer

About Implementation or Error Conditions of Excel Exporting

The excelbase2.xls sheet is used as a template for Excel export, opened in Excel at the beginning of exporting. Template reads transfer file C:/TEMP/VertexToExcel and formulates it to a new Excel sheet based on the setup information in the transfer file and finally closes itself. The template sheet can be found in the user folder of Vertex.

Possible error conditions:

  • The Security Level of Excel has been set to High. The template sheet will work only on security level settings Medium or Low.
  • The C:/TEMP folder is missing, or there is no write permission to it.
  • The template sheet referenced to in the formatting is missing.
  • The formatting does not contain control lines described in the help above.
  • There already is sheet named VertexToExcel opened in Excel. The table must be saved with a new name, or it must be closed and the export redone.