Part Number
Add the item data to the 2D component after you have added the component to the drawing.
- Add the part number to the component.
Add a Part Number
- On the
tab, in the Mechanical group, select
Parts List, and select
Part Number.
- Number the parts automatically or manually, and click the location of the part number.
- Fill in the part number data.
Part Number Data
- Click OK.
Edit Part Data
- On the
tab, in the Mechanical group, select
Parts List, and select
Edit All Attribute Databases of Certain Type.
- Edit the data of the parts, and select OK.
Attribute Data to Drawing
- On the
tab, in the Mechanical group, select
Parts List, and select
Attribute Data to Drawing.
- Click a part number or another element of a component containing attribute data that you wish to add to the drawing.
- Click the start point of the reference line and the location of the reference text.