Use 2D Symbols in a Machining Library Feature of a Sheet-metal Part
Sheet-Metal Design
A library feature machining a sheet-metal part can be drawn in a simplified manner in the sheet-metal part's flattening drawing.
- The simplified configuration of the library feature is a 2D Symbol, which is a sketch-based feature.
- A simplified sketch is added to the model of a machining library feature, and the 2D Symbol operation is selected for the sketch.
- The 2D symbol is displayed in place of the machining library feature in the flattening projection of the sheet-metal part when
Simple Geometry is selected in the projection properties.
For example, a library feature machining a sheet-metal part that has been given a 2D symbol is displayed as follows in a flattening projection:
- The flattening projection’s feature is
Simple Geometry. The geometry of the library feature is drawn accurately in the projection.
- The flattening projection’s feature is
Simple Geometry. The 2D symbol added to the library feature is drawn in the projection.