Select a Material Item for a Sheet Metal Part
Sheet-Metal Design
You can select the material of a sheet-metal part as follows:
- Extrude Thin Feature
- Revolve Thin Feature
- Tangential Offset
- Sheet Metal Part Properties
- Sheet Metal Parameters
The material selection is based on a Flow database
If you are connected to Flow, select a material item for a sheet-metal part in Flow with the Select button. The material selection will also determine the plate thickness.
The material selection is based on a Vertex database.
The following data can be saved for a single material item:
- Label - Material's item label. Shown in the part list.
- Thickness (sheet) - Offset in the first sketch or tangential shelling.
- Part Density - For weight calculation.
- Part Color - You can distinguish between different materials in the assembly model.
- Stretch Calculation - Name of a parameter program. Includes the bending data used for a part. Bend allowance or table row. The correct data is conveyed to manufacturing.
- cncKad Material Code - From the cncKad program's own database.

The used sheet materials are in a database where all parameters are defined. You can save new sheet metal materials in the database. Materials - Sheet Metal Part
- The database item label can be linked to the item database information. If a sheet database item is included in the item database, its data can be copied to be used as a part's item data.