Polyline Length Calculation
You can calculate the length of a polyline and, if necessary, add the length as text to a 2D drawing. You can click any points in the drawing as points on the polyline.
- Select Output | Zone |
Polyline Length Calculation Tool.
- Click the points of the polyline.
- Select Confirm. The calculated length (m) is displayed on the status bar.
- If you want to add the length as text in the drawing, click the ADD TEXT button above the status bar. If you cannot see the button, stretch the bottom edge of the Vertex window downwards.
- Edit text properties, if necessary.
- Click the text location.
Calculating the total length of several polylines
You can add the lengths of several polylines together as follows:
- Select Output | Zone |
Polyline Length Calculation Tool.
- Click the points of the first polyline.
- Select Confirm.
- If you want to add the length as text in the drawing, click the ADD TEXT button above the status bar and a click a location for the text.
- Click the points of the next polyline.
- Select Confirm.
- Etc.
The total length of the polylines is displayed on the status bar. You can reset the total by selecting the Confirm function without clicking polyline points.
- The length is displayed at a precision of two decimals.