General Area Calculation
You can calculate a desired area and add the result as text in the 2D drawing, if necessary. Define the area to be calculated by clicking its corner points. Add the area as text in a 2D drawing by clicking the ADD TEXT button .
- Select Output | Zone |
Calculate Area.
- Select the corner points of the area to be calculated.
- Confirm the area with the Confirm function. The status bar displays the calculated area (m2).
- If you want to add the area as text in the drawing, click the ADD TEXT button above the status bar. If you cannot see the button, stretch the bottom edge of the Vertex window downwards.
- Edit text properties.
- Click the text location.
Addition of Several Areas
You can add several areas together as follows:
- Select Output | Zone |
Calculate Area.
- Select the corner points of the first area to be calculated.
- Confirm the area with the Confirm function.
- Select the Confirm function again to bypass adding text.
- Select the corner points of the next area.
- Confirm the area with the Confirm function.
- Etc.
The area of the selected section is always added to the calculated total area.
- By default, the area is presented with two decimals. You can change the precision by
changing the value of the keyword calc_gen_area_precision in the BDSX keyword group. The
keyword can have the following values:
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Defines the number of decimals. For example, calc_gen_area_precision= 2 sets the precision to two decimals.
- 0.5 - Defines a half square meter (half square feet in imperial dimensioning system) precision.