Cut a Wall
You can cut a wall from a desired point. As a result, the wall is divided into two parts, which you can manage as separate walls. You can target wall functions to these parts just as to individual walls.
- Select a wall.
- Do either of the following:
- Select Wall | Wall |
Cut Wall.
- Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select
Cut Wall.
- Select Wall | Wall |
- Select the cutting point.
- You can remerge the parts of a cut wall by using the Merge Walls function.
- The butt joint between the wall ends is affected by the keyword cut_wall in the system
cut_wall = 0: A butt joint is not formed between the ends. You can move a wall end by the grip point.
cut_wall = 1: A butt joint is formed between the ends. If you wish to move the end of either wall, first remove the butt joint constraint. See Delete a Constraint.