Create a Panel Drawing
Generate the panel drawings of the selected panels. The panel can be a wall, floor or roof panel.
- Select the panels.
- Do either of the following:
- Select Panel |
Open Drawing
Create Panel Drawing.
- Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select
Create Panel Drawing.
- Select Panel |
- Select Confirm.
- Select a template drawing in the dialog box. The suitable template drawings are highlighted in blue in the dialog box. One of the suitable template drawings is selected by default.
- Confirm by clicking OK.
The program will generate the panel drawings.
- You can check the status of the project’s panel drawings, and create, update or open the drawings by using the function Check Panel Drawing Status, if necessary.
- You can recognize a panel drawing that needs to be updated from the asterisk (*) at the end of the panel label in the floor plan.
- If the panels you selected include panels that already have panel drawings, the program will prompt you to confirm replacing the old panel drawings with new ones.