
Set the dimension figure to a desired position in the drawing.

  1. On the tab, in the Dimensions group, select Dimension, and select Move.
  2. Select the dimension figure.
  3. Select the position of the dimension.
  4. If there are other dimensions connected to the selected dimension, you will be prompted: Adjust adjacent dimensions? Select either of the following:
    • If you want to move the adjacent dimensions as well, click Yes.
    • If you want to move the selected dimension only, click No.
  5. Select Confirm.

Select the dimension, and then select the Move function from the context-sensitive menu. You can move several parallel dimensions at once.

  • You can also move the dimension by dragging the grip point. You can move the dimension figure on the reference line.
  • You can select the new start point or end point for the dimension by moving the grip point.
  • You can remove the dimension by selecting a single or several dimensions, and by the context sensitive function Delete, or pres Delete key.