Edit the Properties of a Component

You can edit the properties of components in customer-specific libraries.

You can also change the values ​​of individual parameters for some system library components. The configuration data is stored in the custom folder in an xml file. The library will then be marked [Configured].

  1. Open the library browser by selecting System | Libraries | Libraries.
  2. Select a library. The library components appear in the right side browser pane.
  3. Select a component.
  4. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  5. Select Properties.
  6. Edit the properties in a database view or in a dialog box.
Note: You can view and edit the components of macro component libraries (furniture, building groups, doors, windows) as well as sheet and insulation libraries all at once. Select the library and Edit Library Content from the right-click menu. All the components in the library open for editing in a database view.