Multiple Panel Drawings from a Single Panel


It is possible to create multiple panel drawings from a single panel to present a variety of views of the panel. A separate template drawing must be created for each drawing. You can compile template drawings into sets of multiple panel drawings by editing the template drawing library as follows:

  1. Select System | Templates | Panel Drawings > Panel Template Drawings.
  2. Select the template drawing library and the selection group.
  3. Select the thumbnail of the first template drawing in the set.
  4. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  5. Select Properties.
  6. Click Manage additional drawings.
  7. Select the second template drawing: move to the row of the template drawing you want in the list, and select X from the list in the Active column.
  8. Confirm by clicking OK.

When you create the panel drawings, their file names are formed of the panel label and a sequential number, for example SE_U1-1.vxp, SE_U1-2.vxp, SE_U1-3.vxp, etc. The order 1,2,3.. is determined by the order of the template drawings in the File field.

  • System tab is only available if you are a system administrator.