Language, Autosave, DesignStream

Edit the user-specific languate, autosave and DesignStream settings.

Select > Preferences > Language, Autosave, DesignStream.


In addition to versions saved by the user, one or several versions of the project are stored automatically.

Time interval (min)
Enter the autosave frequency in minutes. With the value 0, autosave is not performed.
No. of autosaves
Enter the number of autosave versions. With the value 0, autosave is not performed.
Default values
Restore the default values defined in the system settings. The default values are set in the BDSXX keyword group:
  • The default autosave time interval with the keyword building_autosave.
  • The default number of autosave versions with the keyword autosave_qnt.


The DesignStream system is a browser-based data management system that can be connected to the Vertex BD program.
The address of the DesignStream server is loaded from the customer-specific settings. The address entered in this field is saved in the user-specific settings.
Default values
Restore the server address from the customer-specific settings. The default value is set with the keyword server in the pdm keyword group.


Select the user interface language of Vertex BD from the list.

Note: Restart the program when you have changed the settings.