Save as New Building

Select the desired building components in the model window of the open project, and save them as a new project in the local project archive. You can open the project and continue designing it, or you can add the project as a sub project to another project.

  1. Activate the model window.
  2. Select the building components. For example, you can select a floor of the building or another entity modeled in the project.

  3. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  4. Select Advanced > Save as New Building.

    The New Project dialog box opens.

  5. Define the project data in the dialog box.

    The New Project Dialog Box

  • The original project remains open. You can open the newly created project from the project archive.
  • You can check-in the project to the DesignStream system when you close the project. Design Stream system is an add-on feature of the Vertex BD software.