Freeing Geometry for Editing

When you add a building component (wall, window, door, floor, roof, piece of furniture, etc.), all data connected to it, for example materials and their quantity, is stored in the component. Components are edited using functions connected with them, allowing, for example, changes in material quantities to be immediately updated in the component.

Each component has both 2D and 3D geometries that are connected to each other. Geometry information is a part of the component objects. The geometry of a component, for example the lines depicting the structural layers of a wall, can be edited using the general drawing functions. When a building component is next edited or hidden, it will recreate its geometry and any changes made using general drawing functions are lost. This can be prevented by freeing the geometry for editing before using the general drawing functions.

  1. Select one or more building components.
  2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  3. Select Advanced > Free Geometry for Editing.
  • It is recommended that you edit the wall lines by using the function Move a Wall Line End Point.
  • You can restore the geometry by selecting Advanced > Restore Freed Geometry function from the context-sensitive menu.