Add a Component to the Center Line of a Pipe/Duct

Piping Design

By default, a component will be positioned in the direction of the pipe's/duct's center line when you lock the component to a pipe/duct.

  1. Do either of the following:
    • Select Modeling | Pipe Part.
    • Select Modeling | Pipe Part.

    The browser is opened.

  2. Select a component.
  3. Select properties for the component:
    • Select properties in the fields on the tab.
    • If editing the component in a dimension table is allowed, select the Piping | Component | Dimensions, and edit the properties.

    Pipe or Duct Component Properties

    Dimension Table

  4. Before locking the component to the pipe/duct center line, you can rotate the component using auxiliary functions.

    Rotate a Component around the X, Y and Z Axis

    Enter Rotation Angles around the Z, Y and X Axes

  5. When adding a component in a model, use snap functions:
    • Snap to line and point

    • Snap to all geometry

  6. Click the center line of a pipe/duct. The component is locked on the center line. You can still move the component along the pipe/duct.
  7. Before clicking a location for the component, you can rotate or mirror the component, or change its locating point. If necessary, rotate the component in the model Activate the model window by pressing the F2 key. Return to the drawing window by pressing the F2 key again.
  8. Indicate the component position on the center line of the pipe/duct.
  • You can also set the pipe component on the side of the pipe by pressing the Alt key and clicking the center line of the pipe in the model.