Height Level References in Building Parameters
You can create references to the height levels in building parameters to have changes in height levels update the building parameters. The parameters are defined in the PARAMETERS file which is located in the building folder. Editing the PARAMETERS file is the system administrator's task.
Height Levels
You can create a reference to a height level with the ZLEV label. For example, defining the base height of a floor:
ZMASTER = Floor base height label
ZLEV = Reference to height levels
FLOOR-1 = Height level label
You can use height levels, for example, in the definitions of the following parameters:
- Floor base height ZMASTER
- Room height ROOM_HEIGHT
- Default bottom height of a column COLUMN_GZ
- Column length COLUMN_L
- Beam default height BEAM_Z
- Stair default height STAIRS_HEIGHT
- Exterior wall frame height WALL_EXT_H
- Interior wall frame height WALL_INT_H
- When a height level exists in the PARAMETERS file, it is reserved for use in the building. A height level in use cannot be renamed nor deleted in the 3D Levels dialog box.