Add a Window
Add a window to a building as follows:
- Click the wall.
- Select Wall |
Window. The library browser opens.
- Select a window. The window is locked to glide on the wall at the default height.
- If necessary, change the positioning height of the window or the reference point, or select another auxiliary function.
- Determine the position of the window by selecting the location of the reference point. You can add the same window to another position on the same wall.
- Select Confirm.
- Do either of the following:
- Select a new wall, on which the window is to be positioned.
- Select a new window. You can select a new window with the auxiliary function
Edit parameters.
- Quit by pressing the Esc key.
When windows are added, the reference point and mirroring information of the previous window are retained. When you add a window to a wall, it cuts an opening into the wall and becomes part of the wall. In the floor plan drawing, the lines of the wall structure layers are cut by the window. The window glass is transparent in the 3D model.
- You can also select the function in the following ways:
- Select Modeling | Wall Layout |
Window, and click a wall.
- Click a wall, right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select
Insert Window.
- Select Modeling | Wall Layout |
- The default positioning height of the top edge of the window is defined in the building parameters. You can use the Select Height function to select a new positioning height. When adding a window in the model, you can change the locking method of the cursor so that you can select the window position at any height, see Locking the Cursor in a Model.
- You can position the window by defining the position of the reference point in relation to a certain point, see Entering a Distance from a Point.
- Quick Selection for the Reference Point allows you to select the left or right edge or the center of the opening as the reference point.
- You can add the selected window as a chain of multiple copies by using the Adding Several Openings in a Chain function.
- If necessary, you can switch off the sill line drawing, see Window Presentation in the Drawing.