Move Multiple Panels at Once


When editing stacks in the model window, you can move multiple panels in the same stack or from one stack to another.
  1. Select the panels.

  2. Right-click and select Move.
  3. Click a reference point.

  4. Click the new location.

Note: If Update items after moving is selected in the stack settings, the change is automatically updated to the stack data. When the property is not selected and you move a panel from one stack to another, the change must be updated to the stack data using the context-sensitive menu function Stacks > Update stacks. The model tree shows the panels belonging to stack.
Note: If Dimensions based on content is selected in the stack properties, the stack outlines are green in the model window. You can update the stack dimensions with the context-sensitive menu function Stacks > Update size if you move or delete panels from the stack.