Links to Truss Design
You can create transfer files of truss drawings created using the Vertex BD software, and then export the transfer files to an external truss design software. The program creates a text file of each truss drawing in a folder in the building folder, usually in the truss_picts folder. You can check the folder name in a message box which is displayed after the transfer files have been created.
The program names the transfer files as follows:
Symbol | Description |
label | The truss label |
no. | A unique number assigned to each truss drawing. If the truss in the drawing has several load cases, a separate text file is generated for each load case. |
xxx | The file extension - depends on the truss design program used. |
The program will overwrite any previous transfer files with the same name in the folder, but will not delete other transfer files.
Exporting Trusses to MiTek Software
- Select Modeling | Panel |
Links to Truss Design.
- Select Write truss envelopes to MiTek 20/20 TRS 5.008 format from the list.
- Name the transfer file and select the save folder in the Windows Save As dialog box.
- The default save folder can be set with a keyword in the ../user/SETUP file, for example:
dir(61)= SHARED none mitek_trs Mitek truss link default library
If SHARED ms_volume points to the shared folder, the above example setting will create a folder named mitek_trs/project_name under the shared folder. The transfer file will be saved in that folder.
- It is possible to create MiTek transfer files with different names for trusses used in a floor structure and for trusses used in a roof. When you select Floor Truss as the type of the trusses, they will receive different labels than the roof trusses. You will need a software customization to be able to use this feature.
Exporting Trusses to Truss D&E Software
- Select Modeling | Panel |
Links to Truss Design.
- Select Write truss envelopes to Truss D&E format from the list.
- You can define the building data to be transferred to the Truss D&E software by setting
the tde_proj_fields keyword in the BDSXX keyword group, for example:
tde_proj_fields= MODEL CITY PROJ_ID DRAWN_BY
- The top chord thickness of the truss is read directly from the building model. Alternatively, you can define the top chord thickness in the BDSXX keyword group using the tde_top_chord_depth keyword. Type the thickness of the top chord as the value of the keyword. You can also define the thickness of the default cross section used in the Truss D&E software as the top chord thickness by typing 0.12 as the keyword value: tde_top_chord_depth= 0.12.
- You can define the distance between the girder truss and the end truss perpendicular to the girder truss by using the keyword tde_truss_conn_tol in the BDSXX keyword group.
- If supports are not included in the building model, you can define the supports at the start and end points of a truss by using the tde_force_supports= 1 keyword in the BDSXX keyword group.
- You can control the naming of the transfer files by using the truss_export_category in the BDSXX keyword group. If the keyword value is 1, the category label of the truss is added to the name of the transfer file. If the keyword value is 0, the label is not added.
Importing Trusses from Truss D&E Software
You can import the trusses created with the Truss D&E truss design software to Vertex BD software with the same function. You must first save the files in the building's Trusses folder.
- Select Modeling | Panel |
Links to Truss Design.
- Select the Read engineered trusses from Truss D&E from the
The system creates true 3D models of the trusses utilizing the truss layout. The trusses are placed at their right locations in the roof. Mapping between the cross sections that are used by Truss D&E and Vertex BD is defined in a mapping table, which is automatically updated when you import trusses from Truss D&E. If a suitable cross section can not be found from the table, the program asks which Vertex BD cross section would you like to use. This information is stored in the mapping table for further use.
If you import several trusses, which do not belong to the truss layout, in separate drawing windows, the program will ask you to confirm the importing only once. If the number of trusses is too large for the program to open them all at once, the program gives you a warning: "There would be too many trusses to be left open on the screen. Trusses will be converted on a background process."
Importing Trusses from Keymark Software
You can import the trusses created with the Keymark truss design software to Vertex BD software with the same function. Save the transfer files into one folder which contains no other truss information. All the trusses in the folder will be imported to Vertex.
- Select Modeling | Panel |
Links to Truss Design.
- Select the Read engineered trusses from Keymark from the list.
Truss panels are created from the imported data (.loc, .kxf and .kxr files). This enables exporting the truss data to Hundegger SC-1 production management, for example. The property Type (FNC_TYPE) is set for the trusses. Trusses that require punching can be filtered using this property.