Adding a True Cross Section of a Piece to a Drawing
The cross section shapes for pieces used in a wall panel's frame details are defined in the Cross Section field of the Pieces of Frame Details database. If the field is empty, the cross section is rectangular. The dimensions of the cross section are defined in the Height and Width fields.
Cross sections with shapes other than rectangular are selected from a number of predefined cross sections. When you wish to use such a shape, enter the cross section code in the Cross Section field. The available cross sections depend on the framing library, and vary by customer.
Alternatively, you can enable the true cross section of the profile from the profile library as follows:
- Select System | Structural Libraries |
Framing Detail Parts. The Pieces of Frame Details database view opens.
- Select the detail. Browse the database by using the cursor keys, Arrow up and Arrow down.
- Select the Page 2 tab.
- Enter one of the following in the Cross Section field:
- TRUE - Use the true cross section.
- -TRUE - Mirror the cross section.
- TRUE:ROTATE90 - Rotate the cross section by 90 degrees. Currently, 90 degrees is the only alternative.
- -TRUE:ROTATE90 - First rotate the cross section by 90 degrees, and then mirror the cross section.
- Confirm by clicking OK.
- System tab is only available if you are a system administrator.