Print Parts List in Different Language in a Drawing
You can print parts lists in different languages when collecting a parts list for a drawing. The printing of the parts list is defined by the plist_appl2 file which, in addition to a Finnish parts list, can generate the same parts list in a different language, for example English, on its own layer using a dictionary. The file plist_appl is also used in the printing of a parts list. The desired features are implemented in the program as a customer fitting.
Edit or maintain Word Book.
On the tab, in the Databases group, select
Application, and select Dictionary.
- Open the Vertex directory System/autom_macros in Explorer.
- Copy the files plist_appl2 andplist_appl.
- Paste the file into the Vertex folder Custom/macros.
If the Custom folder does not exist in the file system, paste the file into the folder Shared/macros.