Part Number Data

Defines the data for a part number added to a drawing, such as the starting number, increment, associativity with an element, etc. Define the part number data in the dialog box.

Dialog box options

Part number
Defines the starting number. The drawing has a running numbering, beginning from the starting number. The next number is determined by the increment set for the part number.
Defines the increment between consecutive part numbers. Select a suitable value from the Increment list or enter a new value. The increment can be, for example, 1 or 0.1.
Attach to Geometry Line / Hatch / To Macro
Defines a part number to be associated with a line, hatch or a macro selected from the drawing. When you attach a part number to a line, the part number is associated only with the single line that was selected. When a text is associated with an element, the deletion of the element also deletes the associated text.
If you attach a part number to an element, you need to define the part data for the selected element. You can also add a part number without associativity. You then need to define the part data for the part number.