Multiple Panel Drawings from a Single Panel
It is possible to create multiple panel drawings from a single panel to present a variety of views of the panel. A separate template drawing must be created for each drawing. You can compile template drawings into sets of multiple panel drawings by editing the template drawing library as follows:
- Select System | Libraries |
Libraries. The Component Libraries database view opens.
- Select a component library. Move the cursor to a row in the library. Use the Up and Down
arrow keys. For example:
panel_dwg_sys | Panel Template Drawings
- Click Edit. The Panel Template Drawings dialog box opens.
- Add a new row to the database, see Editing Vertex Databases.
- Fill in the fields:
- Selection Group - Template drawings are grouped in the library according to the selection group. Enter the desired selection group in the field, for example, the type of the panel (roof, floor, wall, truss). If you wish to add a template drawing under an existing selection group, make sure that the group is always written in exactly the same way.
- Description - Enter a description text in the field. The description will be displayed in the thumbnail image of the template drawing. The description text should indicate that multiple panel drawings will be created with the template drawing selection.
- File - The file names of the template drawings separated by vertical bars (|). The file extension of the files must be .vxp.
- Close the database views by clicking OK.
When you create the panel drawings, their file names are formed of the panel label and a sequential number, for example SE_U1-1.vxp, SE_U1-2.vxp, SE_U1-3.vxp, etc. The order 1,2,3.. is determined by the order of the template drawings in the File field.
- System tab is only available if you are a system administrator.