
Add a note containing text to a drawing. The note is displayed as note symbol in a drawing. You can open the note for viewing or editing by double-clicking the symbol in a drawing.

Add a note as follows:

  1. On the tab, select Text > Note.
  2. Type the text contents in the Note window.
    • Add special characters in the text by clicking Special chars.
    • Pick up an earlier entered text from the Previously entered list.
    • Add a line break in either of the following ways:
      • Select Enter as line break: Add a line break by pressing Enter, and add the note to a drawing by pressing Ctrl+Enter or by clicking OK.
      • Clear Enter as line break: Add a line break by pressing Ctrl+Enter, and add the note to a drawing by pressing Enter or by clicking OK.
    • Add a subscript or superscript as follows: Click Superscript or Subscript and type in the text window. The selected mode remains active. When you want to continue typing the normal text, click Normal.
  3. Click the location of the note.
  4. Quit by pressing Esc.
  • You can move a note in a drawing from the grip point.