Copy an Object to Another Floor

A building's foundation, walls of different floors, floors, ceilings, roof, etc. are added in their own drawing-model pairs. If necessary, you can copy objects from the active drawing-model pair to another drawing-model pair of the same building. If, for example, the exterior walls of a building are similar on both the first and second floors of the building, you can copy the walls of the first floor to the floor plan of the second floor.

Connections to other building components are also copied, if the connecting structures are equivalent in the floors.

  1. Activate the drawing-model pair in which the objects to be copied are.
  2. Select one or more objects.
  3. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  4. Select Advanced > Copy to Another Floor.
  5. Select the drawing-model pair to which you want to copy the objects. Click the button of the drawing-model pair in a button menu. You will be prompted: "Leave this drawing-model pair active?" The question refers to the drawing-model pair to which you are copying the objects.
  6. Do either of the following:
    • If you want to work in the drawing-model pair to which you are copying the objects, select Yes.
    • If you want to work in the drawing-model pair from where you selected the objects, select No.
  • The height of the objects in relation to the absolute origin will change. The objects are located in the new drawing-model pair so that their height in relation to the floor base height remains the same as in the original drawing-model pair.
  • The panels and panel parts on the floor are also copied to the corresponding drawing-model pair of a frame. For example, when you copy the first floor walls to the second floor, the wall panels and panel parts are also copied to the 2nd floor wall framing drawing-model pair. The panels are re-labeled. If the panels have been named according to the floor, the name of the floor will be updated in the panel label. For example, the panel 1E1 will be renamed as 2E1, etc.
  • When you want to copy a sub model to another drawing-model pair, use the function Copy a Sub Model.