Keywords Connected with Machinings

The LOGHOUSE setup file may contain the following keywords connected with the machinings.

Defines the machining codes used. The keyword can have the following values:
  • 0 - User's own machining codes
  • 1 - Default codes defined for the program
Defines the change in the machining direction of the log. The log is machined in the direction it is in the log work drawing when endo_mach_list= 1. The default is the opposite direction.
A half drilling machining is added to the machining list if it cuts the log with this minimum dimension. The minimum dimension is defined in relation to the log riser. The keyword value is a factor (0.1..0.5) with which the log riser is multiplied. For example:
half_drilling_min_depth = 0.2
in which case the minimum dimension is 0.2 x log riser.
Defines the machining code for the top half log (not a machining macro).
Defines the filtering of the machining list. Example:
mach_list_filter= "where CODE = PROF"
The definition filters away all the rows where the CODE field has the value PROF, for example log columns.
Defines the machining code for a basic 45-degree bevel (not a machining macro).
Defines the machining code for notching an opening (not a machining macro).
Defines the machining code for the base half log (not a machining macro).
Defines the machining code for a basic 45-degree bevel (not a machining macro).
The machining library, in which machining macros added to log work drawings both automatically and separately are defined, is set with this keyword. Refers to a subdirectory in the Comblibs directory.
A below or above notch is automatically added to a log, if the crossing wall cuts the log with this minimum dimension. Example:
min_clip_hgt_for_notch= NET_HEIGHT/3
where NET_HEIGHT is the log riser defined in the profile library.
Defines the updating of machinings in the log work drawing. The keyword can have the following values:
  • 0 - The machinings are loaded from the machining library when the log work drawing is opened for the first time. After this, the machinings can be updated with a separate function while the log work drawing is open.
  • 1 - The machinings are always updated when the log work drawing is opened.
  • Machinings are included in the Log House Work Drawings add-on option.
  • Machining list is included in the Log NC Interface add-on option.